
A new species is born...

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Ser aluno de doutoramento e' tambem aprender a viver com pessoas que chegam e partem em ciclos diferentes do nosso... alguns deixam marca... (outros nem por isso).

Um ate breve a dois casais que deixaram marca: os Cunha Carrilho e os Bruno Bufaical.

O espirito do Bruno a pairar na Bay Area

O Filipe em toda a sua capacidade fisica habitual

Friday, May 12, 2006


Everyone knows that 666 is called the number of the beast (Devil)... but what many don't know is that some scholars argue there was a mistake translating from the Book of Revelation and that the number should actually be 616!...

Anyways... I digress... the point is that June 6, 2006 is coming soon and that's being used for lots of advertising campaigns, heavy metal concerts, and books, albums and even a movie are being released!... An interesting fact is that a ship named Lusitania was launched the last time there was a 6-6-06 date... and later torpedoed and sunk with almost 2000 people inside.

It's amazing how pervasive the Portuguese history can be! LOL

Phantom phone rings

Do you ever got the feeling that something only happens to you... like strange things that you're even shy of bring it up with your friends 'cause you think people will find you crazy?...

Well for some time now I feel I ear cell phones ringing out of nothing... but it happens in strange situations when there's either no cell phone around or the ones around didn't ring at all!...

Tonight I coincidentally found an explanation for this online! People started referring to these sounds as "phantom phone rings"! Apparently there is an ongoing discussion as to what are its causes. Interestingly enough some say this is part of subliminal advertising campaigns!

You can read more about this here.

Book a flight?!

I guess the concept of booking a flight just got a different meaning... LOT-EK designed a library for Guadalajara in which they re-used the fuselage of an airplane! Apparently the cost of recycling fuselages is larger than the value of aluminum...

Take a look at some cool pix:

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Major minorities...

As you know the US is known by highly pervasive minorities protection programs... Numbers of the census are starting to show an ironic change in the US ethnic landscape.
Ironically, data shows that in the 90's American Natives and Afro-American where the two races with smaller growth rate, about 14% each. Contrasting, the Asian and Pacific Islanders population grew 44%, and the latino population grew 40%!

But then again... how do you define "minority" anyways?!...