I recently re-discovered this... hope you enjoy it: "1. Road Rage - Catatonia"
Monday, January 30, 2006
Sorry but I couldn't help it...
I haven't been following soccer for some time... but apparently this weekend something interesting happened in Lisbon...
Last week footballderbies.com conducted a poll in which the site's visitors were asked which of the matches (Benfica-Sporting or Sporting-Benfica) had historically "better atmosphere"...
After this weekend's match it is easy to understand why is it that the result was 61% to the Benfica-Sporting match and 39% to the Sporting-Benfica match!...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Bryant was around...
About a week ago we went to our first NBA game. The Lakers were in Oakland to play the Warriors and along came Kobe! For as much as we may dislike is personality is game is incredible... and last night he scored 81 points against the Toronto Raptor's making it to the group of 5 players in the history of the game that score mor

Below you can find some pics of the event.

The traditional singing of the "Start spangled banner"

Apparently they also dance!

Kids' fairplay!

Kobe Bryant: The man of the moment!
Conto de uma noite de inverno...
Numa determinada noite...

Juntaram-se uns quantos...

e outros tantos...

para uma noite de convívio...

entre outras "celebrities" apareceram as Green Eyed Peas:

o Miguel Jackson:

e o famoso ditador Polaco Tiagó Casiruski (Józef Piłsudski):

Claro está que as conversas as eleições dominaram as conversas...

(Ditador) Ouve o que te digo: Ainda um dia um poeta se candidata a ser presidente do vosso país...
(Emigrante) Hummm... acho isso muito difícil

(Sr. Crédito) Eu também acho muito improvável...

(Emigrante) Oiçam lá... e se ele tem um bom resultado?! Tinha piada ter um presidente poeta!

(Sr. Vereador) É pá estes tipos não têm noção do que dizem! O melhor é beber para não ouvir tantos disparates!