
A new species is born...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Açorda a la La Tartine?

Açorda is a traditional Portuguese recipe. Even though there are many variations depending on the region where this dish is cooked, all of them have bread as major ingredient...

Why is this relevant? Well... Chad Robertson co-owner of San Francisco's bakery and bar La Tartine and well known for his extraordinary loaves just introduced Açorda (well... a variation of if of course) in La Tartine's menu! This will be a good test for my and Ana's idea that there is room for a GOOD/FANCY/TOP NOTCH Portuguese restaurant in the Bay Area...

According to Elisabeth Prueitt co-owner of La Tartine "once you hear about certain recipes, you just have to try them"... and Açorda seems to be one of those recipes... Elisabeth had tasted Açorda when her parents returned from a trip to Portugal and cooked it here in the US... so when her Iberian-recipes-lover Chef Jason Fox brought up the idea of using Chad's loaves for an Açorda recipe, they decided to include it in the restaurant's menu.

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