You never forget your first time...
When people invented this sentence, they were definitely thinking about the first time you snowboard in your life!
My God!... I tried boarding for the first time last weekend and on Monday I felt like I had been in an airplane crash... As always, everything starts pretty well (this video proves this is true!). But as soon as you start building up some confidence, and hence speed (!), you're surely gonna start falling on your buttocks (and hips, and face, and forearms, and needs, ...!). Here's why my butt was purple for a couple days:

The only time I fell after exiting the lift...

Nothing like a god nap in the snow!

Man, I really need to buy myself some prettier goggles!
This was actually a crazy weekend. Can you imagine we're able to squeeze 3 pairs of skis, 1 snowboard and 3 people in our cozy car?!

And at the end of the day before hitting the hot tub nothing better than watching the sunset with your loved one. :)

Nao sabia que caias tao bem!! esperoque depois destas quedas todos aprendas .A Marta deu-te muito apoio moral... Mae Ana
Que bom que e ter a nossa mae a deixar comentarios :) Beijos!
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